About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Clay boots

I've got some seriously claggy boots after a weekend digging and manuring the plot! Managed to get all the muck down with the help of my cavalier husband, and now my bean and potato bed is pretty much ready for planting, perhaps after a couple of weeks rest under cover. It's still really windy, and there's been light rain both days which has reminded me of my water issue. Last year we were able to use an old water trough used to feed cattle in the field next to the site, until the ballcock got wedged and it began to overflow. Complaint came through from the other allotment holders in the site opposit that the water trough might be connected to their supply, forcing their bills up. So now it's been cut off, and our plots have no supply, don't even get me started on how unfair this is! it means I now have to walk about 800 metres to carry water back to mine, er hem, mustn't grumble... you can read the article here

So due to start planting on Tuesday, broad beans and carrots!

Pics of progress:

Saturday, covered area is mucked and covered ready for beans and peas...

Sunday, dug roots bed in foreground and potato bed to rear, potato bed has been mucked as it is very, very soggy clay still even though it was cultivated last year. Roots bed hasn't been improved aside from a little sand, although I may add some blood fish and bone before planting.

I love this photo, looks like a painting!

and as night draws in, I cannot resist a very dark pic of some piles of muck, I don't know anyone else who could get so excited about horse manure! but it's like alchemy, you just wait in months to come I'll show you what gold this muck has turned into...

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