About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Tender is the night

Well I got suckered by last night's frost. I'm doubly annoyed having actually smugly covered up my corn and courgettes with a closh, my french beans and potatoes with fleece and they are still all limp and listless. Not sure what will recover but it's the potatoes that are the biggest sacrifice as I cannot replace those. Ho hum, it's all part and parcel I guess. Serves me right for posting all those pics of lush plants in my last post!!


  1. Our plot neighbour covered his potatoes with fleece and it still managed to blacken the tops!

  2. Someone told me an air frost is harder than a ground frost so maybe that's what we had?
    Fortunately after close inspection, the growth nearer the ground doesn't seem to badly affected, so I'm hoping they will come back, if a little late. It's be mainly due to the warm weather that I have so much top growth already, making them harder to earth up.
