About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Friday 22 April 2011

Broad beans flowering early

This seems insane, my broad beans were planted out at the end of March and have only just got established and now they are flowering! Not sure whether this is a good thing as they are only about 25cms tall. Will have to wait and see, I've given them a good soaking to beef them up a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I have just found your blog & it's interesting for me as it's my first season as an allotment holder. I've been looking back on your posts & seen this. My broad beans are also flowering and have been for a while. may I ask,the oranges, is this a secret weapon against bean weevil?

