About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Friday 8 April 2011

Drought watch

I'm slightly worried we may have a repeat of last years early summer drought on our plots. To aggrivate the problem, the council have cut off our water supply sompletely while the 'dispute' over the latest bill is settled. Many of us are very annoyed about this having put in a lot of work and spent a lot of money on raising plants only to watch them wither. I'm trying not to find this too dispiriting, but it's difficult, I even lost a brand new watering can in the nearby river yesterday trying to hoik water up...all while 7 months pregnant. I especially find annoying the fact that the chap who's in charge as spokesman lives nearby so waters his plant with water brought from his own supply, and doesn't seem that concerned that others like me have to drive to the plot, so this is impossible. Sometimes it's tempting to give it all up, but this year I'd planned to grow enough to really supplement our family's shopping bill so I don't have much choice but the continue to find ways to try and solve the problem. If there was more of a community spirit, perhaps we could club together to complain to the parish council, but any support I've tried to drum up has failed. I just wish I had got my water but in time to fill it up to have enough for my seedlings during this dry spell. Ho hum.

Anyway, enough of my moan and on to my 'progress' which has halted a bit as a result. Yesterday I got rid of the emerging thistles with my fab new hoe which works like a dream. I uncovered the last of my beds which was covered in black plastic to warm the soil/keep weeds down, and gave it a quick rake and left it to dry out. This bed will house brassicas and sweetcorn. I also removed the fleece from the remaining broad beans which had emerged well, and netted them instead. Pretty much all my beans and peas are netted now, apart from any more peas I will sow in the next couple of weeks. Looks like some slugs have munched some broad bean leaves though.

My wild strawberries look really happy and have started to flower

Onions and garlic growing well

and I'm pleased to report my parsnips have germinated, as well as the rocket. Still no carrots despite having sowed four times since Feb!

My comfrey patch is going bananas

and the raspberries are spreading

 but overall you can see they plot is looking pretty dry, which is a shame as the weather is fantastic at the moment, I think it was almost 25C yesterday which is amazing for this time of year. I think a picnic is planned for this weekend!
..oh and I almost forgot to mention my potatoes have sprouted!


  1. Try the local paper - get them to come and take a photo of you trying to get water with a big headline to try and shame the council. Local radio - local TV etc

    I know what you mean about getting support over issues from other plots holders.

  2. I'm going to harass the council one more time and then perhaps resort to your suggestions. It's not that the parish council have said they won't do the work, they just are very slow at getting it done. I guess that's where the local paper comes in.
