About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Sunshine Elixir

Today was gloriously sunny, but bitterly cold. I sat inside by the fire for most of lunchtime before persuading myself to get down on the plot. Normally I don't need much persuading but I've been a bit poorly this week and my energy levels are a bit low. Despite this, a couple of hours in the sun proved to be the perfect elixir for both body and soul.

I couldn't get much done as I hadn't planned my visit, so I just weeded and dug the bed which will house all my roots. It's proving to be a trickier job than I anticipated as I forgot that this area had been left fallow last year, so there are a lot of thistle roots deep down. Last year I had a nightmare with young thistle shoots pushing up my carrot and parsnip seedlings, I'm slightly worried this might happen again. Perhaps I can strategically plant a load of spinach and chard in the middle as I'm not so bothered about loosing them!

After a couple of hours, my husband and children arrived for a quick mooch. I put them to work while I sat and drank tea, in fact if I could only persuade my husband to come down more often it would certainly make life much easier! (wishful thinking though, he does not have green fingers).

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