About me

I'm a half Finnish designer who has since taken a break to bring up my children. I used to work in Graphic Design, but now I prefer working with textiles and illustration. This blog is about my allotment and garden. I have been gardening for many years and grew up watching my mum and dad do the same. I began my allotment in Jan 2010 in memory of my father who passed a way just before then. I also love cooking and finding inventive and delicious ways to make my produce into meals. I'm growing with my experiences, and welcome any helpful advice! Sometime soon I hope to use my garden as inspiration for my art.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Great tit sounds the beginning of spring

Every since I can remember I'd hear the call of the great tit early on warm spring afternoons while out in the garden with dad, or playing in the woods. Each year for me it heralds the beginning of the new year, and today while at the allotment I heard it loud and clear. A wonderful sound.

Today I only ventured out for a couple of hours as I'd taken the kids for a long walk this morning. If I haven't mentioned it before, I am 4 months pregnant, so this year's alloting will be a bit more challenging! Everything will have to be done in short bursts with lots of sitting down in between. But I thought with lots of planning there is no reason to give it up this year. 

It was a blustery day, but dry so I dug out some of my compost from the garden and covered my asparagus and fruit bushes with it on the plot. Then I tackled some of the couch grass that has already invaded my plot a lot over the winter. I couldn't do too much as it was tough stuff to evict, my belly aches as I write. I also took out my wild strawberry plants for rehousing (I think in my herb bed) I just need to get the planks from my mums to edge the plots to keep the grass out.

Soon I will begin planting seeds, tomatoes, carrots, parsnips, herbs, that sort of thing. It's mid Jan now so plenty to get on with.

Here are some pics from today

 Asparagus below
This will be the broad bean/pea bed
Taken from the rear of the plot

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